Maths skills – nature or nurture?
Maths skills – nature or nurture? Have you ever heard the phrase “I’m just not a maths person”? Chances are, not only have you just… Read More »Maths skills – nature or nurture?
Maths skills – nature or nurture? Have you ever heard the phrase “I’m just not a maths person”? Chances are, not only have you just… Read More »Maths skills – nature or nurture?
What to do if your child is struggling with maths anxiety Do you feel anxious when faced with a mathematical problem? You’re not alone! Estimates… Read More »What to do if your child is struggling with maths anxiety
Six examples of when you are using maths without knowing If we were to tell you the statement: “Mathematics is a subject that you are using… Read More »6 examples of maths in daily life
8 iconic female Mathemagicians If we asked you to mention a great mathematician who has impacted the world, the chances are high that you would… Read More »8 iconic female Mathemagicians
One way of noticing, understanding, and overcoming maths anxiety is by getting more knowledgeable about it. If we recognise its symptoms and causes, we can also treat and prevent them.
Every time you pass a tree on a walk or see a spider web in your basement, you see examples of the wonders of nature, all based on maths concepts. So, maths is all around us, and sometimes we just need a reminder to see it more precise. If you begin to acknowledge the maths in nature today, you will see its beauty everywhere every day. Once you have seen it, you can’t unsee it!
Young children learn the best by doing, being able to relate, and often through games. By learning by doing, children’s experiences become more meaningful, and they retain their knowledge.
For example, cooking contains a lot of maths without us even thinking about it. And the kitchen is a place filled with shapes, measurements, time and following logical steps – all things maths concepts.
That’s why cooking with your children is such a good way for you to incorporate learning maths into a daily task without it having to take extra time.
We have summarized five maths activities to make it easier for you as a parent to practice maths in the kitchen with your child.
What maths skills will my child learn in Count on me? While teachers put in equal time, effort, and energy to helping individual pupils in… Read More »What maths skills will my child learn in Count on me?
4 ways to make maths fun for your children Did you dislike maths as a child? You are not alone! Many of us remember maths classes in school as… Read More »4 tips on how to make maths fun for children
Working at Akribian: Meet 3 of our game developers How is it to work in a smaller team in an upcoming game company? We asked… Read More »Working at Akribian: Meet 3 of our game developers